Multilingual Glossary  
Open glossary
Project Team

Open Glossary

Building with earth has gained an ever growing international dimension. Organisations and firms throughout the world are working with earth as a building material. International networking is, however, often hampered by communication difficulties.

One of our first projects, a multilingual terminology glossary, aims to redress the balance and assist professional communication at an international level. The glossary comprises 500 of the most important terms used in building with earth in six languages. The project is supported by the Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH (the German Agency for Technical Cooperation).

An offline version of the multilingual glossary with search function for home use (pc only) or for printing out (mac and pc) can be » ordered from the DVL on CD for the nominal cost of 15 €.



Multilingual Terminology Glossary for Building with Earth
French – German – English – Spanish – Russian – Italian

Project partners   Dachverband Lehm e.V.
in cooperation with and with funding by the Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit GTZ / BASIN
Project team   Dr.-Ing. Horst Schroeder, DVL   Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
(Project coordination, German text and Russian)
Dipl.-Ing. Heiner Lippe, DVL   Architect, Hanover (French)
Dipl.-Ing. Hannah Schreckenbach, DVL   Architect, Magdeburg (English)
International partners   English – Linda Watson   University of Plymouth, Centre of Earthen Architecture
French – Hugo Houben   CRATerre-EAG, Villefontaine
Spanish – Erhard Rohmer   Interacción Madrid
Russian – Dr.-Ing. Abdukabil Tulaganov   School of Architecture, Tashkent TASI
Italian – Uwe Wienke   Architect SiA, Perugia